
Three Things To Expect At Your First Chiropractic Adjustment


If you've booked an appointment with a local chiropractor for a physical health issue and you haven't previously experienced this form of treatment, it's only natural to experience a little uncertainty in the hours leading up to your visit. You can often reduce any hesitation that you're feeling by familiarizing yourself with what you can expect to have happen at the initial appointment. It's important to know that chiropractic care isn't a "

6 January 2016

Acupuncture For The Treatment Of Pain That Isn't Controlled By Medications


If you are suffering from chronic pain, it may be difficult to treat your pain with medications alone. The source of your pain may be difficult to identify, and you may require a multi-faceted approach in order to find relief. People who have chronic pain conditions, those that are suffering after an injury, and even some patients dealing with the pain associated with certain cancers, turn to acupuncture as a way to ease the pain they are dealing with.

5 January 2016

The Graston Technique: A Helpful Treatment For Sore And Injured Athletes


Do you have a muscle that just keeps getting sore, no matter how much you stretch and massage it? Maybe you suffered an injury a while back, and though you're mostly recovered, the area still gets sore and tight when you work out. A special technique known as the Graston technique, which is often utilized by chiropractors, can help alleviate your soreness. What Does The Graston Technique Do? The Graston technique is a method of breaking up scar tissue within a muscle.

5 January 2016

3 Common Causes Of Bulging Discs


A bulging disc is a common spinal condition that has varying degrees of severity. When a bulging disc occurs, the outer layers of a disc in the spine wear down and cause the inner layers to protrude between the vertebrae. In the least severe cases, people suffering from bulging discs do not experience any kind of symptoms. However, many people experience symptoms when the bulging disc puts pressure on a spinal nerve.

4 January 2016

Back-Healthy Exercises To Perform After Your Chiropractic Adjustment


A chiropractic adjustment can turn a sore, crooked back into one that is straight and free of pain. In the hours and even the days after your adjustment, it's important to engage in activities that promote healing and don't interfere with the major physical changes you've just experienced during your adjustment. Getting active is something that many chiropractors recommend; exercise is an effective way to keep your muscles moving and reduce the aches and pains that come from a sedentary lifestyle.

4 January 2016

How To Get Your Body In Tip-Top Condition


Do you feel like you totally overdid it during the Christmas holidays? Perhaps you were too busy to go to the gym, or maybe you ate too many sweets and other foods that lack the nutrients your body needs in order to thrive. The advent of a brand new year is the perfect time to get your body back in tip-top condition. Exercise - You already know how important it is to move your body.

31 December 2015

Three Self-Care Steps To Take After You've Visited Your Chiropractor


Visiting a chiropractor like All American Chiropratic Center can help you reduce your uncomfortable symptoms associated with back pain, headaches and a whole host of other physical health issues. While you might be tempted to schedule your appointment over your lunch hour so that it doesn't interfere with your workday, there's merit to seeing your chiropractor later in the day. At this time, you won't have to jump right back into your busy day, as doing so could reduce the effects of the adjustment you just received.

30 December 2015

Chiropractic Treatment for Back and Neck Pain


One of the techniques used by your chiropractor to relieve back, shoulder and neck pain is spinal manipulation. This technique makes subtle adjustments to your spine's alignment to relieve tension on muscles and nerves. This is a non-invasive technique that people find effective against headaches, neck and shoulder stiffness, and lower back pain. Here is how this technique works and what it can do to relieve your annoying back and neck pain.

29 December 2015

Dealing With Your Chronic Headaches: Alternative Treatment Options


When you are dealing with chronic headaches, you may know how frustrating it is to try all different types of medications and other conventional treatments without finding lasting headache relief. In fact, you may find yourself on the verge of giving up on treatments at all and assume that you will just have to deal with your headache pain for the rest of you life without relief. There may be some help available to you through alternative treatments that you should try before you give up completely.

29 December 2015

How To Get Some Relief From Back Pain


If you suffer from chronic back pain, it's important for you to learn the different ways you can go about getting relief from flare-ups. You may not like the idea of relying on pain medication and it also may not do a good job of alleviating all of your pain, leaving you looking for more options. This article will help you understand some of the other ways you can go about getting lower back pain treatment.

23 December 2015